My bucket list
I don't project myself into the future too much. Normally, I only live day-to-day and I tray to no stress too much about what´s ahead of me. Considering that, my bucket list could have a not very specific gols. In fact, I even call them utopian, First, i'd like to graduate. Then i could get a job and support to my family, but the life of a recent graduate journalist in Chile it's hard. To achieve that, I'd like to get a job in the non-traditional media that's not going to go bankrupt. My second big goal is have the money to live in a to live without debt and without worries. After that, I could get a house to my mother and sister. The latter has been a difficult road for at least ten years. Solving that, I could be quiet to work to fix my self-esteem and depression issues. (another long way to walk). It's possible that thanks to the social outburst most of these objectives are one step ahead of being possible. But most of these would still be difficult ...