My favorite kind of books

My kind of favorite book is the one that talks about mysteries, occultism and conspiracies. The stories I like the most are those about Italy, the Florentine culture and the Vatican. However, I don't have any favorite books. But, the author I like the most, is Dan Brown. His books even became films, as is the case with "The Da vincci Code" and "Angels and Demons".
These days I've been reading very different books. Near the Lastarria neighborhood, I bought a book called "God and the State," written by Bakunnin, a 20th-century anarkist. And, not so long ago, I bought another one, called "The Black Book of Chilean Justice", by journalist Alejandra Matus.
I was very interested in both of them and I haven't stopped reading them.

Even if I really like to read, sometimes I don't have the time, the energy or, in some cases, the money to buy books.
That's why I read a lot more content from the internet, such as reports and notes, because their access is easier.
But if I could, I'd like to have a full library, with a sofa, a teapot and a blanket. It would be wonderful to spend afternoons reading aloud in front of the window and a landscape full of trees and flowers.


  1. I was reading "The Da vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons" last year, even thought I couldn't finish them they were very good

  2. I haven´t read any of the books you named, i´d rather do it because I like mystery issues. I´ll read the Da Vinci code"


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